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Chemical raw materials and chemical products manufacturing

Solvay is a global leader in science and process innovation, with a rich legacy of over 160 years in pioneering scientific advancements. The company thrives on contributing to and being informed by megatrends, operating across a wide range of sectors, including agriculture, feed and food, automotive, construction, consumer goods, healthcare, electronics, resources, environment, energy, and industrial applications. Solvay’s aim is to maintain market leadership while providing a diverse array of solutions to support its vision across various end markets. Recognizing the growing need for sustainable products, Solvay focuses on applications that help shape a future where everyone thrives. With a history of mastering process innovation, the company has evolved from its early days producing soda ash to making significant advancements in peroxide technology. Solvay remains committed to continuous innovation and refining the science of essential chemistry for generations to come.

Climate Targets

  • 2050

    In Progress

    Carbon Neutral Company

  • Not Disclosed

    Carbon Neutral Supply Chain

Climate Actions

Solvay’s climate goals include reviewing the emissions from all operations and activities, aiming to reduce both direct and indirect emissions (Scope 1 and 2), and addressing Scope 3 emissions throughout the entire value chain. Currently, the company is reducing its environmental footprint by accelerating the energy transition, gradually phasing out coal in favor of biomass, making production processes more sustainable, accelerating renewable energy procurement, and reducing emissions across the value chain to combat climate change and protect biodiversity.

Climate Milestone

  • 2024

    - Solvay has launched its largest greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction project to date, initiating the regenerative thermal oxidation (RTO) process at its Green River plant in Wyoming, USA. This project will help reduce the Green River plant's annual GHG emissions by up to 20%, supporting the Group's goal to reduce emissions by 4% by 2025.

    - Solvay’s Brazilian operations have introduced the first carbon-neutral product portfolio for the U.S. and Brazil (carbon-neutral claims are valid only in the U.S. and Brazil), including RHODIACID™ AA adipic acid and Augeo® products. Since 2005, the company has reduced Scope 1 and 2 emissions by approximately 95% at its Paulínia and São André plants.

  • 2023

    - Due to projects in Rheinberg, Germany, Devnya, Bulgaria, and Green River, Wyoming, USA, Solvay has achieved a 5% structural reduction in Scope 1 and 2 emissions compared to 2021.

    - By the end of 2023, Solvay will be using 100% renewable electricity at its Voikkaa production site in Finland.

    - Solvay has actively partnered with major raw material suppliers to collect product carbon footprint (PCF) data for materials they supply to the company. As of 2023, the company has achieved over 50% coverage of PCF data for its raw materials.

    - Solvay encourages key raw material suppliers to share their decarbonization and climate action strategies to better understand how their plans will impact the company’s carbon footprint.

    - The company collaborates with transportation providers to reduce upstream emissions associated with transportation.

    - Solvay has received formal approval from the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) for its 2030 goals, which include a 30% reduction in Scope 1 and 2 emissions (compared to 2021 levels) and a 20% reduction in Scope 3 (upstream and downstream) emissions. Solvay’s Voikkaa plant in Finland is transitioning its transport fuel from diesel to biofuel, and by 2024, its transportation carbon footprint will be reduced by over 80%.

    - MSCI ESG rating: A.

    - CDP Climate Change rating: A-.

  • 2022

    - Solvay China has proactively subscribed to green power certificates, enabling all its plants in China to achieve 100% green electricity usage.

  • 2021

    - Solvay has increased its greenhouse gas reduction target from an initial 26% reduction by 2030 to a 30% reduction.

  • 2020

    - Solvay has joined the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).

    - Solvay has achieved an 8% structural reduction in emissions compared to 2018 levels.

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